
16 July 2009

Meeting my childhood hero

40 years ago I was just six years old but I was utterly enthralled by the Apollo missions. I remember being utterly disappointed in May 1969 when the Apollo 10 Lunar Module descended to within a few miles of the moon's earth surface. I could not understand why they did not go the whole hog and land the thing. Less than two months later just about the only thing on my mind was the prospect of Apollo 11 being the one where someone actually walked on the Moon's surface.

Although I did not see the landing live on TV I was utterly thrilled that Neil Armstrong and then Buzz Aldrin finally did it! Apollos 12 through 17 were also thrilling but throughout my childhood it was Neil Armstrong who was my absolute hero. Other notables like George Best were all well and good but they just could not measure up to Neil.


Buzz Aldrin came a moderately (but not too) distant second. As for Michael Collins I felt sorry that the poor guy remained stuck in orbit!

20 years later, I was working as an Immigration official at Heathrow Airport. Summer was as busy as hell but it was normal for the major ports to send "relief" streams to smaller ports to help them deal with a massive increase in traffic. That year I landed one of the plums, four weeks at Prestwick Airport,near Ayr, in Scotland. The work was easy and I got the chance to do a fair bit of sightseeing.. as well as plenty of drinking with the other relief staff!

One weekday morning just after we had cleared the American and Canadian charter flights (Scottish expatriates coming back to visit friends and family, Canadian and US tourists wishing to see the sights of Scotland or take in a spot of golf). Most of my colleagues had gone off on a late breakfast break so I was holding the fort when a private jet landed. It turned out to be a party of Americans and Britons coming to play golf.

One of the party was Neil Armstrong himself. While it was never the done thing to faun over celebrities, All I could say was WOW! NEIL ARMSTRONG! If I had heard of Wayne's World at the time I might have gotten down on the floor and done the "I'm not worthy" thing.

Not much of a story, I know but he was my childhood hero and for a short moment I was a six year old once again...Such is life


  1. Cooooooooool!!!!!!! Did you know that Neil is from Wapokoneta, OH? He's definitely one of our favorite sons. People make fun of Ohio but many of our people do great things.

    That said, I'm delighted you got to meet your hero.

  2. Anonymous10:01 pm

    Cool. Aren't you the lucky one

  3. Ah A local lad Kay. I was delighted to meet him!

    Very anon

  4. That's a good story to cherish Jams, I would say one of life's memorable experiences.

    Just as most of us remember what we were doing when Kennedy was shot, we remember what we were doing when man first walked on the moon. We were painting our back fence and kept running inside and out to
    check so we would not miss it. Funnily enough though for me, seeing Sputnik going through the sky was even more memorable. That was a giant leap for mankind, believe me.

  5. Fabulous story, Jams. Thanks for sharing it with all of us.

  6. THanks jmb. It was one of the big events of my life. I was still in my cot when JFK was killed. Had I been around for Sputnik I would have felt teh same about it I am sure

    Thanks The Right Blue!

  7. ah, forty yrs ago u were six. so i am older than you :) I was 8 yrs old. the whole school gathered before a small b/w tv to watch this hitstoric event

  8. I think this is a great story. Thanks for keeping me posted on the protests too. I read your posts in my Google reader so I don't comment much. I know...damn lurker.

  9. It was the small hours so I caught it in the morning Bengbeng. It was still a momentous occasion eh?

    Thankls Pouty Lips.Glad you like to visit, comments or no!

  10. Lovely story - it's amazing the twists and turns life can take sometimes.

  11. Thanks Siani. It was one of those little events that took me back to childhood

  12. I want to be an astronaut when I grow up.
