
18 October 2009

Diddled by a Kakapo

I just could not resist posting this. I wet myself laughing when I saw this on a programme caled "Last Chance To See" on BBC2 a oouple of weeks ago. It's that look of aparent delight on the Kakapo's face which cracks me up while Stephen Fry's mellifluous tones are always a delight to hear.


  1. Thank you for this, it has made my morning! Kakapos interest me but never before has one amused me so much. Its mid-mating smile was quite the cartoon! I wonder what triggered the ritual.

  2. It was a tame Kakapo I can only imagine it was randy and the subject's neck fitted the bill Stan!

  3. I suppose so, Jams! My first encounter with Carwadine was the book he wrote with Douglas Adams (with the same name as the BBC show); I never expected to see him subject to such a courtship. Maybe his green jumper helped attract the kakapo.

    There is a slightly longer clip on the BBC's YouTube channel that includes Fry describing the bird's sideburns and generally old-fashioned appearance, which only adds to the hilarity.

  4. Jams- This is priceless! Can't stop laughing here. The comments on YouTube are also amusingly osé...

  5. That's what Stepehn Fry and Carwadine were doing, revisiting DNA's book. The longer clip is great and does increase the hilarity!

    Glad you found it funny.. It's the look on the Kakapo#s face that gets me every time!

  6. I've seen that look on a few faces in my time but that one was priceless :-)

  7. It is utterly priceless isn;t it!

  8. Anonymous8:56 pm

    Thats funny

  9. Don't get me wrong - I'm shocked.

    Ha ha ha ha aha haaaa hahh ahahaha ah ha ha ...

  10. Yep, it was an unforgettable one.

  11. And he didn't utter one 'No' so it was consensual. Isn't having sex with animals illegal?

    Send round plod.


  12. That look will remain burned into my memory Snoopy!

    Ah There is nothing to it but to arrest that Kakapo, Lord T
