
21 October 2009

Hidden truths leech out sooner or later

An Australian man faces jail for armed robbery after police were able to make a DNA match from a crime scene dating back to 2001. This in itself may have been remarkable 20 years but not now.. except that the sample came from a leech!

Peter Alec Cannon, 54, pleaded guilty to aggravated armed robbery in the Supreme Court in Launceston on the island state of Tasmania on Monday. Crown prosecutor John Ransom told the court that a policeman had picked up a leech from near a safe at the scene of the crime from which forensic scientists extracted blood and a DNA sample. Seven years later, Cannon was arrested and charged with a drugs crime. Police were able to match his sample with the one from the leech at the crime scene

The court heard that Cannon and another man had robbed and assaulted a 71-year-old woman at her home, stealing $500 from her.

Hooray for leeches!


  1. Gee, I never thought I'd be cheering for bloodsuckers, but...

    RIGHT ON!!!

  2. There's nothing else as good as having an honest leech on your side.

  3. Haha I nver thought a leech would solve a crime but I'm glad he's been collared for it. Less for the money than the assault

  4. On the island of ...

    Taswegians would find that interesting - they're forever saying they're part of Australia - joined to it, in fact. :)

  5. Incredible! Good for the leech - and good for the policeman who picked it up!!

  6. He. Does this Cannon guy carry leeches on his body as a matter of habit?

  7. You, know, I did wonder that, Snoopy! I mentioned this story to my husband last night, and caught myself mid-tale saying, "How on earth did this dude have a leech on him to begin with?!"

    Can you enlighten us, Jams?

  8. Ah it must be the gills that help them with that longish walk through that water James!

    Indeed Liz

    I would doubt he carries one as a matter of course but it must have been his bad luck to encounter one Snoopy!

    It didn't say Stephanie. He must have picked on along the way.. walking in a damp area perhaps?

  9. Absolutely fascinating that he was caught in this way! Go leech!

  10. I'm glad how everyone is cheering the leech!
