
11 December 2009

Phutu Hunt - Undesriable

The theme for this week's Photo Hunt is undesirable. This week I have a choice of photos that are more or less on topic. The pic above was over the window of a unit in the local shopping centre. The shop will be selling Apple products. Fair enough. What is undesirable is the name which it shares with a race hate website...

Here is a closed fast food place. What it sold was undesirable but at least it was honest about what it sold... Chicken Ribs And Pizza

Finally here is something utterly undesirable! Who on earth could love a big fluffy, loving and gentle cat like our Boris!


  1. I would find it very undesirable to have a name for a business be the same as a race hate one. Boris is beautiful. Good take on the theme. Happy weekend.

  2. Truly undesirable. Except for Boris!!!


  3. oh CRAP! hahaha, I'd take Boris if my son has no cat allergies. :D

  4. Boris!!!

    Happy Weekend.

  5. Interesting to see what everyone has this week. Is it undesirable for Boris to be on the bed? Probably not I would think in your house.

    Happy weekend Jams

  6. Great take on the theme this week. LOL at CRAP! Truth in advertising, I'm sure. Boris is so beautiful - just looking at how relaxed he is makes me happy. :)

    Have a great weekend.

  7. lol@CRAP! i guess now we know why it closed! but the Boris below, doesn't look the least bit undesirable at all!

  8. Boris is seriously cute!

  9. Now that first picture has stirred me up. I have received hate links to one of my sites from those idiots! And it has caused me all sorts of hassles!!!

    Well at least Boris has cheered me up and I think he is maligned for being put in the undesirable category ;-)

  10. Hahahahaha re CRAP! You'd think the owners would know better... ;b

  11. Re: Boris...I'm so envious!

  12. I liked the "CRAP" store!!! And it is pretty obvious that Boris is too busy ruling your household with an iron fist to be bothered with questions like the one you posted. :-)

  13. That C.R.A.P. made me loled, hahaha. Boris is huggable that is for sure :)

  14. Love the post, they are undesirable indeed, except for that golden fluffiness called boris.

  15. ohhh, Boris is utterly lovable--look at him!:p

    what an awful acronym for a fastfood! you're mean! LOL

  16. Anonymous6:43 am

    That I-Store may know computers but hasn't a clue about cyberspace. :(
    Boris the cat is beautiful.

  17. Ha! You just call Boris undesirable in the hopes that no one else will want him! I know your human tricks.

    I had no idea that Chicken, Ribs And Pizza was code for bad food. I will have to pass that tidbit along to my human.

  18. Good take on the theme!
    Boris looks very calm and comfortable and he is so cute!

  19. Anonymous9:41 am

    I want to be as undesirable as Boris!

  20. I ♥ Boris!!! I'll take 'im! I'll take 'im. Dunno whether my other two cats would think he IS undesirable, but I'll take 'im! LOL

    C R A P...gotta love that one.

    Mine's HERE come on over...I'd love your visit. Happy Hunting.

  21. Wondered how you'd work cats in. :)

  22. Thanks Anni

    James with consumate ease!

  23. CRAP, what an acronym! Your cat looks adorable there. =)

  24. I would just like to say that I think you should ship the hateful Boris across the Atlantic to me. I will give him a wonderful home on the farm and maybe he can even deal with the mouse under my kitchen sink, because my own three cats sure as heck aren't helping!

    The Apple store should have thought a little harder about that name.

    And my hens are very pleased that CRAP has gone out of business!

  25. Oh, Boris is so adorable.
    And I agree why would start a business with the name like that?

    Happy weekend!

  26. How funny is the food CRAP!!!!

    And you're right about the new store. Horrible.

    Have a good weekend, Jams.

  27. Boris the cat. (I can't help but say that in a Russian accent). Where's Natasha? (Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoon).

    CRAP food is quite undesirable!

    My Photo Hunt: Undesirable is up. I hope you have time to visit. Have a good weekend.

  28. Boris does not deserve to be in there today! Good choices otherwise :-)

  29. You know, since it's the season of generosity and all that, I'm willing to make a sacrifice and allow you to unload the undesirableness that is Boris onto me. It will be a hardship, no doubt. But I think I can handle it. :)

  30. Haha Surfie, I would have to prise Boris out of my other half's cold, dead hands!

  31. No fair slipping Borris in there. Unless you're offering him. :)

  32. I think you cheated on the cat. However, he would be undesirable in my house because of allergies.

  33. Great submissions for the topic (a tough one this week).

    Mine's up!

  34. Hi Boris
    I love your shot
    that you take a nap ....
    Sleep well my twinfriend :-)
    Kareltje =^.^=

  35. Thanks and a specfal hug to Kareltje!

  36. Boris is a lovey! And, I love your CRAP! HA!

  37. I never heard of that hate site before, but I'm glad I know now so I can stay away!

    Boris looks like an armful of love!

  38. Anonymous10:08 pm


  39. Why on earth would they have chosen that name? They can't have checked at all... Great pictures of undesirables. May I make a claim for Boris please?

  40. AH Boris is most definitely not up for grabs!

  41. LOL on CRAP....I should have posted a coming soon Walmart sign..who doesn't need more Walmart... Your Boris could hang out (on the bed of course) with my two orange boys.

    I didn't know you had problems with red-eared sliders there. But it seems that people keep dumping off animals with no regard for how it might present a problem. But then they dump trash too so I guess it shouldn't be a surprise. Yes the house sparrows or wrens are a huge problem here..cute as they are....Michelle

  42. I would love Boris. Unfortunately my husband wouldn't! Love your pics. Didn't know about 'stormfront' and totally agree with your take on CRAP. lol

  43. Interesting selection. I didn't understand the first photo so I had to turn to google. Definitely a marketing department that did not do their homework. Definitely an undesirable choice of company names. C.R.A.P is brilliant! And you gotta love Boris.

  44. We Love Boris!! So handsome!!

  45. You are so clever. Love the C.R.A.P. sign. LOL Boris is a handsome fellow!
