
03 January 2010

Being a post for the benefit of Madames Nevin and Claudia, and Herr Jeating

Both Nevin and Sean have chosen to see in the New Year in the company of Father Ted, Father Dougal, Father Jack, Mrs Doyle and a host of supporting characters that made up one of the funniest comedies ever to grace to tv screen.

In response to requests from Nevin, Sean and from Claudia I present to the world a detail from my Father Jack mug, which features all of his favourite sayings. Not shown are pictures of Father Hackettt in all of his, err, pulchritude.


  1. Private in joke, eh?

  2. Ah no. I mentioned I had a Father Jack mug and they were desirous of seeing it!

  3. Dear Jams - Green with envy...You drink from the most inspiring mug I have ever seen. No wonder your blog is pure genius.
    From Madame Claudia.

  4. Can an American view the Father Jack series on BBC America? Probably not. We are desperate for some good comedy as American comedy is mostly shit.

  5. I was sure intrigued by the post title! Love the mug.

  6. Why thank you Claudia! My mug does inspire me to greater drivel!

    I'm not sure Pagan. it would be worth checking out. I think someone I know was able to rent the DVDs via Netflix but I could be wrong

    It is my most prized possession Welshcakes!

  7. Love the mug but don't think it would go down well in the Carr household.

    I can't wait to hear what next your admirers ask you to reveal.

  8. I assure you that some things ill remain unrevealed!

  9. I also have a Father Jack mug.

    Mine is a little different... it was hand-made for me as a Christmas present last year by my nephew who is more than a little obsessed by FT.

    It is too good to drink from so I use it to hold pens.

    I can't embed an image so you will have to go to Flickr to see it.

  10. Should Herr Jeating inform the German Pope about those gentlemen, or are the Fathers, Church of England?

  11. A present to treasure Skuds!

    Claudia these are catholics.. the Pope needs to know!

  12. Anonymous8:44 am

    I want one.

  13. I got it via eBay so it's worth checking there Simon!

  14. "And what would you say to a cup [of tea] Father?

    "Feck off cup!"

    Pure genius.

  15. It is Sandy. I love it escpecially in relation to teh comedy series

    An utter classic Chris!
