
24 January 2010

Blame it on the Boogie Nights?

The wife of the film director Roman Polanski has said that she "understands" why other mothers are shocked by the fact that her husband had sex with a 13-year-old girl in the 1970s (fathers on the other hand are horrified while siblings are disgusted).

According to the Independent French singer and actress Emmanuelle Seigner, blamed the "crazy" moral climate of Los Angeles in the 1970s for Polanski's sexual assault on the girl at the home of the actor Jack Nicholson in 1977. "It was a time of madness," she said. "Attitudes to drugs and sexual liberty and permissiveness are no longer the same today."

Polanski fled the US in 1977 after pleading guilty to a charge of unlawful sexual intercourse with an underage girl. Polanski was accused of plying her with champagne and drugs and raping and sodomising her during a modelling shoot at Nicholson's house. He was indicted on six felony counts, including rape by use of drugs, child molesting and sodomy. He pleaded guilty to a single count of unlawful sexual intercourse.

He was arrested in Switzerland in September and detained for two months before being released into house arrest at his Swiss chalet in December. A judge in Los Angeles was due to decide last night whether Mr Polanski could remain in Switzerland while he is sentenced. His lawyers argue that, as part of a plea bargain in 1977, he was promised a short sentence which he served while awaiting trial. They say he fled the country when he was warned that the judge had changed his mind.

Bottom line is that he fucked a child... A child, not a Lolita... Given that most other people living in those hedonistic days managed to avoid doing what he did, it is pretty rich of his wife to blame the seventies.


  1. The irony in this is astounding to me. How would he feel if the murderers of his former pregnant wife had fled prior to their prosecution. I know people will read this and say that I am comparing death to rape; however, I would answer that death takes many different forms: sodomy, rape, murder. For a 13-year-old girl to be repeatedly raped and sodomized after being illegally drugged is a death this poor girl has had to relive for 32 years now. Oh, hell. I forgot. It was the 70s fault he is a depraved pervert rapist. And it was the 60s fault that his pregnant wife was murdered by lunatics.

  2. This is where we have come to and it comes down from the upper echelons. Washington sex parties, for example, are well known. Zero to do with the 70s and all to do with the people I refer to constantly as Them.

    I was just reading yesterday about Alida Valli [Third Man] and the same sort of thing was going on. It has been for decades.

  3. Agrees Pouty. It was a sick and twiated act.

    Rember, James, the Golden Rule: Who has the gold makes the rules!

  4. Agrees Pouty. It was a sick and twiated act.

    Rember, James, the Golden Rule: Who has the gold makes the rules!

  5. it is just sick for all these years that he managed to get away with it

  6. He just ran of to somewhere he wouldn't be extradited from, the worm

  7. Just for purposes of comparison, please tell us what were the sentences given to all those catholic priests who sodomised children in Ireland alone?

    And how much of their sentences did they serve?

    Just askin :-(

  8. It was all the fault of the 70s? Those damned decades! (I must see if I can use that one on my bank manager: it's actually 2005's fault that I took out that mortgage, so I'm not paying it back. If you've a problem, take it up with the year 2005...)

  9. Not enough Eunoia!

    THere's a thought Sandy

    Well when you are out of your house, with a Garada truncheon up your arse perhaps the approach was not well received Egg!

  10. The wife also probably thinks it was the girl's fault for being 13. I'll never understand how people can meet him and not be sick right in front of him. I'm nauseated whenever I look at his face, and remember what he did.

  11. What he did was disgusting. I don't care if his films are good, what he did was unforgiveable

  12. I don't know if he did anything good in films since then. I couldn't see them, Jams. He should have been in jail. For me, he didn't exist anymore. Until he faces justice, he is a big ZERO.

  13. That;s the problem. Some people think bevcause he is a fine director that it excuses his raping a child

  14. At least it would have been more acceptable if he'd gone into exile somewhere other than a place famed for its wealth and sophistication. How about Bhagram?

  15. Now there's a thought Susan!

  16. He deserves to go to the slammer, and get the extras that come with the room...

  17. Ah the slammer will do!

  18. It seems that today's society is always ready with an excuse. Personal responsibility has become a thing of the past for some.

  19. I know what you mean Liz.

  20. GIVE ME A FREAKIN' BREAK!!!! There is NEVER an excuse for raping a child!!!

    I was 13 in 1977. Funny, I don't recall it being okay for people to rape me then!!

    Is this guy ever just going to shut up and take his lumps?

  21. Yeah, seventies. Next he will blame the champagne...

  22. Anyone but himself Snoopy
