
08 January 2010

Boris in a winter wonderland

For Boris, a soft and warm place so sleep is a wonderland in winter


  1. That is interesting as they are biologically engineered to withstand the cold of winter. He should do fine outside as opposed to the rest of the crew.

  2. Anonymous3:37 pm

    He's so beautiful

  3. He is a very handsome kitty!

  4. Kay, Anonymous, Thanks, He truly is a handsome cat

    Ah Beak her wont feel the cold much but it doesn't mean that he likes wet fur and cold pads!

  5. Scritches to handsome Boris!

  6. Although warm, that doesn't seem a very comfortable place to sleep!

  7. what a beautiful kitty! he does look content.

  8. The breed also is a working cat. He should be killing everything not nailed to the floor in the yard.

  9. He's very comfortable Cherie, believe me!

    Thanks oldwhitelady!

    Should be Beak, but isn;t! The hunter is Bebe

  10. Hey, Boris is not huge! Fluffy, I will grant it, but huge?

    My big one was aroung 8 kg at his top form. Now he is too old, dropped about 1.5.

  11. Ah Boris is not 8kg.. that is a behemoth but he is 7 kilos so he's no shrimp! Robyn was much the same weighjt but he has dropped a bit

  12. Hmm he doesn't hunt. Did his previous owner live in an apartment?

    The late Earl was a mere 13 lbs and did kill everything. How he seemed to eat 24/7 and remain lean is a mystery.

    He also had an odd obsession with an item called Liverwurst. I certainly hope that item is not available over by you. That stuff is probably lethal but he ate it non stop.

  13. He lived in a house but he has shown no inclination to hunting, Robyn on the other hand was the death of many local animals including rats and at least one magpie

    Earl sounded like he had quite a personality!

  14. A nice warm chair seems like a better way to experience winter wonderland than being out in the snow.

  15. That cat is a work of art. I would love to draw or paint him one day. His colouring is gorgeous.

  16. Definitely Catsynth... warm indoors or cold outdoors.. guess which one wins!

    Thanks Knatolee, he is a handsome fellow
