
30 January 2010

On the subject of sixty somethings

This video is not so good but the sound quality is above par. Hawkwind are still going strong and showcasing new material. This song is called Wraith. Sung by bassist Mr Dibs, the founder member Dave Brock can be seen on the right. He became a pensioner a couple of years ago but he,s still producing great stuff after half a century in the music business (over 40 of them with the Hawks!)


  1. I remember, in the mid-sixties, when flashing coloured lights started to be shown with rock bands playing. I was at a house party with a friend and, at first, I thought he had slipped a drug in my drink. It was so confusing! The whole room was twirling. It was an instant hit with people. Everybody borrowed the idea, and the technique. This is a good band, Jams.

  2. Wow it must have been a strange experience the first time around Claudia. I love the Hawks. THey were the first band I s=ever saw live, back when I was a 16 year old in 1979

  3. Brill! Unlike the Who's Superbowl half time performance in which Roger Daltrey sounded like he was squeezing out a dookey.

  4. When tyat are hot Hawkwind truly are hot!
