
08 February 2010

Prepare to be punched....

According to AFP Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said today that Iran is set to deliver a "punch" that will stun world powers during this week's 31st anniversary of the Islamic revolution.

"The Iranian nation, with its unity and God's grace, will punch the arrogance (Western powers) on the 22nd of Bahman (February 11) in a way that will leave them stunned," Khamenei said to a gathering of air force personnel.

I wonder what sort of punch that this will be? I doubt many will be quaking in their boots at the words of that craven little pizzle like Khamenei.


  1. It wouldn't surprise me if it was some sort of missile test.

  2. Or they might put something into orbit

  3. Anonymous1:33 am

    The title made me laugh, but these fascists scare me !

  4. I consider that a vicious threat from a lunatic. And yeah, I am scared!

  5. Maybe his statement was poorly translated and he actually meant he was going to serve us fruit punch.

    I've got no fear of Iran. They're harmless blowhards. Well, harmless to outsiders. Not so much the poor Iranians that live there.

  6. AFM that's pretty well the case. At present it is no direct threat although some of its proxies (Hizbollah et al) are a vile bunch. What they do inside Iran is a different matter

    Kay, Anon I wouldn't get too scared by Khamenei's bullshit

  7. Craven little pizzle summarizes it quite well. However, soon he may become a craven little pizzle with a nuke or two. Or not.
