
12 April 2010

Catholic child abuse? It was the Jews all along

Not my view I assure you but that allegedly of a retired bishop. Giacomo Babini, the emeritus bishop of Grosseto, is alleged to have said on a website that he believed a "Zionist attack" was behind the criticism of the Vatican’s stance on sex abuse, considering how "powerful and refined" the criticism was.

Allegedly speaking to the spoken to the Catholic website Pontifex, Babini, 81, was quoted as saying: "They do not want the church, they are its natural enemies. Deep down, historically speaking, the Jews are God killers."
The interview was spotted on Friday by the American Jewish Committee, which said Babini was using "slanderous stereotypes, which sadly evoke the worst Christian and Nazi propaganda prior to world war two".

On its website, the American Jewish Group Committee quoted bishop Vincenzo Paglia, an official at the Italian Bishops' Conference, as saying Babini's remarks were "entirely contrary to the official line and mainstream thought of the Catholic church".

As the interview appeared on Italy's main newspaper sites today, complete with the American reaction, the Bishops' Conference rushed out a statement quoting Babini denying he had ever given the interview in the first place. "Statements I have never made about our Jewish brothers have been attributed to me," he said.

Babini has previously been quoted on the Pontifex website accusing Jews of exploiting the Holocaust, as well as criticising homosexuality.

If Babini did say what he hi is alleged to have said then he truly is a vile old throw back who the world is far better off without


  1. I read this in the Guardian this morning. I have to say humans have very little imagination... same old... same old.... :)

  2. Those defenders of the faith are not human, Nevin. They have lost touch with the human heart and spirit for centuries! If they ever had it...

  3. Well, gosh, I've already stopped counting all them Catholic clerics I've instructed in child abuse. So what?

  4. Children were sexually abused.

    There is no defence.

    There is no excuse.

    Can these apparently religious leaders not see that they are piling sin upon sin?

    Honesty in the face of God. Don't make me laugh!!

  5. Some people never change in mindset Nevin. He would have been the sort of scum to run a Nazi puppet state. just like Tiso in Slovakia

    Mean spirited scum they are Claudia

    Ha Snoopy. So this is not a libel after all!

    Well said Calum

  6. Indeed Liz. It beggars belief

  7. Like I said, if something nasty happens in the world, you almost know who's going to get the blame....

  8. Funny it is never the Methodists Mod!

  9. But surely you can blame **something** on Rowan Williams, Jams?

