
15 April 2010

Well endowed abs or well endowed?

The crucifix in the church I passed many a boring hour during my childhood was very conventional right down to the nails being in the wrong place... as usual. It never caused any complaints as far as I am aware.

However the same cannot be said for a crucifix in St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Warr Acres which has generated a series of complaints from people who believe it shows Jesus’ genitalia. The controversial hangs over the main altar of

Critics of the crucifix take issue with what appears to be a large penis covering Jesus’ abdominal area. The priest Rev Philip Seeton said the portion of the crucifix in question is meant to be Jesus’ abdomen "showing distension” — not a penis.

The Archdiocese of Oklahoma City has stated that it has received no complaints about the crucifix. However, numerous current and former church parishioners have apparently expressed outrage at what the describe a "pornographic” depiction of Jesus.

Parishioner Rita Cook said the crucifix is one of many recent decisions by Seeton, who has been at the church since 2008, that longtime parishioners are concerned with. "The crucifix is the straw on the camel’s back,” said Cook, who has attended the church for 35 years. "I think it’s an embarrassment to our Lord. I think it’s an embarrassment to our parishioners. And I think it’s an embarrassment to our visitors.”

Seannene Smith, said."I was horrified.... if I hadn’t been prepared already, I think I would have just been ill.” Smith said she grew more concerned upon learning that students from the neighboring catholic school regularly attend Mass in the church. "I’m already very sensitive because of the pedophilia issue,” Smith said, referencing sexual abuse scandals that have plagued the Catholic Church in recent years.

The crucifix was created by Janet Jaime, a local iconographer known for her religious artwork. It is based on the San Damiano cross, an icon that originated in the 12th Century and is associated with St Francis of Assisi. Her husband Reggie, said his wife will not discuss the crucifix publicly until she meets with officials from the church and Oklahoma City Archdiocese to discuss the controversy it has caused.

He said critics of the crucifix probably aren’t aware of its history and meaning to the Catholic Church."This isn’t just a subjective drawing. This is a historical icon of the church. can’t help what you see in things, or she sees in things, or anyone.”

Me? I saw some well defined abs when I first looked at the pic of the cross.. the sort of stomach you can grate lemon peel on. I suppose it does make Jesus look like he was rather well endowed in the loincloth department but I don’t think that was the intention. I can't speak for what others might see or think


  1. I does make him look rather well endowed although I am sure as you said that wasn't the intention.

    It just shows you how people see things in different ways.

  2. Agreed Cherie. Still that is a big one, fnur fnur

  3. I said it before. I'll say it again. Your blog is NEVER boring, Jams. LOL

  4. I try Claudia! THanks!

  5. Abs? He was a carpenter; wouldn't you expect him to be in great physical condition, even elsewhere than the loincloth department? I mean, jeebus... actually, in this case I do mean Jesus... could people exercise a bit of good sense? Where do they think they are, America?

  6. I wonder if it is just pareidolia. People see jesus in do's arses so they may just see a cock on Jesus's abdomen!

  7. I always thought a penis and testicles sprang from the groin not the lower abdomen, for heaven's (ha!) sake.

  8. Clearly I have a filthy mind...

  9. That is true SE but some people [erhaps believe that the membrum virilis (or should that be membum deilis or something like that)extends from higher up!

    Tsk tsk Knaotlee!

  10. Anonymous10:49 pm

    Well the thing that struck me is that this has got to be the calmest cricifixion victim ever. Look at his pose and his face - he's just chillin' man, one cool Dude - and the tatoo on his abdomen confirms the big mistake - it's just a crazy doped up hippy. I always suspected.

  11. Anonymous10:51 pm

    Or crucifixion, even.

    Bloomin typos, I hates theem

  12. The things people say they see says more about them than what's to be seen.

  13. Yes! Susan is absolutely right...

  14. Haha Andrew... THat's a way to look at the crucifix I had not thought of!

    Susan, Claudia that is so true!

  15. I you hadn't said anything I'd have missed the ... um... endowment thing at first glace. Put me in that church every Sunday, though, and I'd have noticed on my own.

  16. To be honest I didn't see it at first either Alice Audrey!

    THere is that Jehoshaphat!

  17. great picture
    i love Jesus very much

  18. great picture
    i love Jesus very much
