
02 July 2010

Satan cat is not happy

Satan cat was in our garden at the weekend picking a fight with Boris who got a pasting. He ended up ny the cat flap swearing and hissing at us. I have never come across such a hostile cat that wasn't a feral mother protecting her kittens

Satan cat's real name is Bobby


  1. So much for size. Obviously Boris is Big but not too tough.

  2. That is one scary cat! I fear I shall sleep even less than normal tonight...

  3. Where's Ted when he's needed?

  4. The question, Sean, may be "where was Ted" and what did he do?

    A Super-Soaker squirt gun is quite effective in such situations, unless the water just vaporizes on contact with this minion of the Basement Cat.

    No cat is interested in a shower.

    Of course, neutering is the permanent solution.

  5. You're wrong about "Bobby".

    Satan cat is really "Stew" who wanders off from Edinburgh early in the morning to terrorise Boris. He's back by lunch-time.

  6. Boris is definitely a lover not a fighter!

    Ted was absolutely nowhere but then he is an utter coward. I was amazed at the sheer hostility of Bobby. He really did sound furious Bryan

    Skuds now there's someone to frigthen young kids into good behaviour!

    Ah Calum I stand corrected. Stew is obviously an evil ubercat with teleport powers

    He really was Ren!

  7. No one would mistake Satan for Santa...

  8. One very vicious looking cat! Those long fangs certainly make it seem wild and menacing! Did you take this shot throught the cat flap??

  9. Jams

    I will remind you that Ted is the CEO
    of this blog. He administrates from his spot next to the TV while directing the staff.

    You are fortunate to be represented by the blog actors guild. He wanted to have you placed in a strange series of blog posts about heavy metal beer gingles.

  10. At first I thought this was your PhotoHunt post with that "open" mouth! Even though he looks scary as hell, that little pink tongue is cute. :)

  11. Haha that's true Steve!

    Ah he is truly a nasty cat Gemma. It was not trhough the cat flap althought that would ahve been a great framing shot!

    THat is so true Beak! It's wise to have a good union!

    Annie thanks for the idea for my photohunt entry!

  12. Has Satan cat ever met Zoltan? It would be an explosive encounter! (My money's on Satan cat.)

  13. Haha Stan Zoltan would get a leathering off Beelze-Bob

  14. what amazing colours. great work.

  15. That is one scary look!!

  16. Not half as scary as the sounds emanating from one angry cat!
