
30 August 2010

Carla Bruni "prostitute" slur by Iranian press

Carla Bruni, the wife of the French president, has been attacked by the Iranian press for was attacked after she signed a petition calling for the release of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani.

An Iranian newspaper, Kayhan, which unsurprisingly is under control of the government, called Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy and also the actres Isabelle Adjani who is campaigning for Ashtina’s release, “prostitutes” in an editorial, while Iranian state television accused the former supermodel of “immorality”.

Hmm and sentencing a person to death by stoning is moral? The Iranian regime certainly has its priorities screwed (statement of the blindingly obvious part 3,779)


  1. If the cap fits though ...

  2. If I were Carla I wouldn't get too worked up over it. To the Iranian regime, about 98% of the world is immoral.

  3. Will the government whose regime sanctions temporary marriages for prostitution step forward.

  4. Carla probably gave a brush-off to that Mahmoud the Mad kneebiter once, and since then he is inflamed against her.

  5. Could be Snoopy! In a straight choice between Mahmoud and Sarkozy, I'd go for Sarkozy too!
