
13 August 2010

It's Friday, it's operation day, Woohoo!

No cat blogging or photo hunt this week, I'll be in hospital today having an arthroscopy. I'll be back by evening but I doubt I will want to sit at a computer.

Second thoughts, come back later for some cat blogging, Goya stylee!


  1. Arthroscopy? Sounds bad!

    Are they looking for spiders inside you?

    Hope it goes well, whatever it is!

  2. Sending good thoughts for a healthy recovery!

  3. Thanks! I'm fine, a bit sore and still rather tired, but fine

  4. I am glad it went OK :-)

  5. Glad it went fine. Sending lots of well wishes your way.

  6. good to read that...i thought u wont sit in front of the pc...gotcha! hahaha. :)

    enjoy your weekend!

  7. May you enjoy a speedy and painless recovery.

  8. THanks. I'm doing fine. It's pretty painful but not too bad. I'll be off work until the end of the month. I can't risk the hell of rush hour commuting for a little while

  9. Jimmy St James8:49 am

    Glad you've been able to reach the keyboard, Jams.

  10. I'm sat here with my leg resting, bliss!

    Thanks so much for taking me to the hospital and fetching me back. I really do appreciate your help and kindness, jimmy

  11. Good luck and hope the arthroscopy is a success!

  12. Best wishes! And hope you feel better soonly!

  13. Arthroscopy... thanks, Jams, I learned another word today thanks to you. I gather it's behind you now and wish you a quick recovery and to forget this word quickly.

  14. Thanls Snoopy. it seems to be fine. I'm still waiting for tonight or so when the last of the anaesthetic flushes out. It may be a bit more painful then... Still, it is over though!

  15. I hope your procedure goes well. Take care, Carver

  16. PS I just noticed that you said it's over with. I hope that it won't be too painful when the anesthetic flushes out.

  17. Thanks Carver. Things are going well so far

  18. Glad it went well, Jams.

    I had a cousin who went through the old procedure years ago, and that was a very long process.

    I know a couple of people who have had it done by the new "keyhole" method, and they came back very quickly and were thrilled with the results.

  19. I shudder to think what the old procedure must have been like Bryan. As for me, so far , so good, I hope I will echo the sentiments of the others you know who have had the treatment
