
26 August 2010

New Computer

Just moved over from a PC to a Mac and am getting used to it. Probably no more blogging today


  1. You're brave! A Mac would terrify me.

  2. It feels rather different but I hope it is as good as people say

    My old one went kaput yesterday

  3. Good for you, Jams! It's on my list to do the same. My old PC is so tired and runs so hot and is so ful of stuff.

    I used to work at an all Mac school and loved both my desktop and laptop the school provided.

    I have to get out from under my kids' student loans first, so it'll be awhile.

    Have fun!

  4. My very first IT experience was with a Mac. I wrote my PhD thesis on one in 1989! It was probably a bit different to yours ;-)

  5. So far it feels great to use. Let's see how it pans out Sphinx

    I daresay it will be a different beast. I bet it was a lot bigger than the mac mini and a lot slower!

  6. You understand that it's not a machine, but a BEING. It helps if you give it a name, shake hands and speak to it with respect. That's how I finally managed to get some productivity out of mine. At first, it rebelled constantly. Bonne chance avec l'apprivoisement!

  7. Haha Claude. I will call this one my lord and pledge my fealty to it!

  8. Congratulations! Will we have to address you as Mr. MacDonnell now, Jams?

  9. Haha now there's a thought Sean!

  10. I love my mac which ive had since Christmas easy to use and everything works :-)

  11. So far that's how it feels Sally. Booting is so much faster and that's a big bonus!

  12. Anonymous7:31 pm

    I have swung both ways. Macs are inherently (slightly) nicer and simpler; but they cost significantly more. Cost wins with me cos I'm a cheapskate so I'm a Windows PC now (oh, plus an exotic but even cheaper Linux on the netbook - don't much like Linux though). But I expect you'll like your Mac.

  13. So far I like it fine Andrew. I had coveted a mac but I hadn't actually planned on buying one until the PC packed in.. Sadly that's what it did on Wednesday...

  14. Ooops... The computer packed in on Wednesday...? Oh Dear... Having just read "Cat in the Bin"'s comment on a later post I must insist, it wasn't me. (I like the mouse settings on "fast" by the way - more of a challenge for a us cats).

  15. Haha Ted, I wonder why the settings are a bit different every time I come to use it. Now I know!
