
08 September 2010

Hand still hurts like hell

He may be BEELZE-BOB but I didn't think a cat could do so much damage yo my damn hand! normal service will be resumed when I can use my right hand


  1. Look after that!!! I got a nasty cat bite this year and it got very ugly. I'm glad you went to the clinic and got some drugs (I rook antibiotics for my bite.) Hope it feels better soon.

  2. I hope Boris is purring nicely around you. Just think of what could have happened to him if you had not jumped in the battle. Take good care of that hand.

  3. I have to be careful as the methotrexate I take for psoriasis in an immunosuppressant Knatolee

    Ah he was just purring but then he wanted feeding.... again!

  4. To health with you, jams! Cat wounds are no fun; I speak from experience, but never an experience that bad. I'd say Boris owes you a favor now.

  5. It's on the mend but the wrist is still infected. I will have to use bell, book and candle next time I see him!
