
11 October 2010

A Banksy take on the Simpsons

Banksy reworks the Simpsons intro in a typically subversive manner. Make of it what you will!


  1. I just saw this at Archie's. It works for me! Great stuff, Banksy.

  2. From the BBC News story on this: "It is the first time an artist has been invited to storyboard part of the show."

    What does that make the people who normally storyboard the Simpsons?

  3. Kids love the Simpsons, my son loves it, my students love it. So sometimes I sit with my son so that I can "talk" with my students.

  4. It reminded me of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom! Can't help wondering how much, if anything, Banksy was paid for this...

  5. He'll get caught one day and pay them off many times over.

  6. It says the video is no longer available, jams.

  7. It is subversive Nursie!

    Oh dear Kellie! That will not please a lot of people

    I loved the Simpsons Ann. That said it is not as good as once it was

    Ah now I never looked at it in that way Stan.. I like the parallel

    I dare say he will be unmasked one day James

    Ah that's a shame Welshcakes

  8. Yep, yanked. I hate when they do that.

    I once posted an Yma Sumac video I'd seen several times on youtube. Within hours someone claimed copyright title and now nobody can see it.

    Maybe I'll go look for the Banksy one.

  9. I found it - one left behind on youtube that someone must have taped.

    It's pretty grim but a good reminder that outsourcing isn't a great solution.

  10. It certainly does take a huge swipe at sourcing work in the third world doesn't it Susan

  11. Jams

    The Simpsons are a cartoon that parodies humans. Banksy is a cartoon trying to emulate a human.

    The ideas were 100% crap from a mind not capable of much more than cliches. Funny, I have known people that worked in sweatshops all my life. It was a starting point for immigrants who went onto better things. All of the later
    success of those people had nothing to do with the ideas expressed by morons like Banksy.

    Places like Haiti people want to work a job any job. Garment factories of any type are a n opportunity for those who have little other.

    Banksy like many other of his kind is a fraud sipping gin in salon with similar minded loons. FYI I have spent enough time in garment factories to know what happens to the workers when airheads like this eliminate jobs.

    In real life issues of labor and poverty are more complicated than

  12. Err parody Beak... I doubt many sweatshops have unicorns!
