
20 October 2010

Jesus or a tooled up Dalek?

This wonderful simulacrum was reported in the Winston Salem Journal. It was discovered by Bill Johnson after a fallen cherry tree limb was cut up.

My first impression was of a Dalek who had replaced the standard armament with something rather more potent!


  1. It took me a few moments to see where this Jesus was. The head is tiny! To me the shape looks more like a metal glove giving the thumbs up – big thumbs up.

    Also, the hyperlinking in that article is out of control. 'Topic - Head'?

  2. A tiny head? A microcephalic Messiah!

    I know what you mean about the hyper linking

  3. 'microcephalic Messiah'

    Ha ha. Somewhere out there, there's a band in need of a name...

  4. It is ABSOLUTELY a dalek!

  5. Definitely dalek. Does this mean the end of the world is nigh? That the daleks are to be our masters?

  6. I'm quite proud of that one Stan!

    Knatolee, Liz it's clear that Jesus is coming back and he is mad.. EXTERMINATE!
