
22 October 2010

Last day

I've tied up as many lose ends as I possibly can, I've done my best to put down on paper a lot of stuff that I carried in my head; where I could make a difference I've left the budgets I advised on in reasonable shape (for this year anyway...).

Today I'll make my farewells to people, some of whom I've worked with for over 15 years, go for a farewell lunch with my unit and then I will hand my pass in and part company with a Department that has employed me for a few days short of 25 years. Then I'm off to the pub to celebrate with some of the others leaving tomorrow. The sad thing is that I'll be the sober one as I'm banned from alcohol thanks to methotrexate

And then? We shall see

On the blog front normal posting and visiting will resume in a day or so


  1. Hang on Saint Christopher and happy landings - checking the compass and raising a glass in your direction.

  2. A poignant day, but I hope you have a good time at lunch and later at the pub. But a shame you can't drink!

  3. Good luck with that, Jams.

  4. Anonymous5:16 pm

    Hope you can enjoy a nice rest and relaxation for a few days or weeks Jams, before looking further ahead. Cheers.

  5. I'm enjoying a very nice glass of shiraz on your behalf :-)

  6. Best of luck, Jams, and in the meantime have a fun and celebratory evening.

  7. Congratulations on taking the opportunity, Jams!

  8. Anchors aweigh!

    The boat of life
    waiting for sails being set.
    Off to new shores, Jams!

  9. Jams

    It is all part of the nastier work place. In the USA they have older workers doing clerical work for three months a year hoping to push some into retirement. I have two more months to go in my prison before I return home.

    Unfortunately, I may go to Washington on union business for another 90 days. We are fighting the good fight.

    You are luckier than I am if my day comes as I never took up hobbies.

  10. Good luck. Its a big transition. I recently went through a traumatic life change. Starting to think a bit more positively now.

  11. Anonymous8:41 am

    I had several of these breaks but the last one was best - no more looking for employment. Retirement is allowing me to do stuff I have always wanted to do. Good luck with this break. It may be a scary world out here but it is full of excitement.

  12. Good luck - your situation hit home with me. I stepped out of my job also during a layoff in 2008. I was with the company for 20 years. It had been private but was purchased by private equity and merged with another private company. Totally changed the work environment. It has been good but I do miss my former coworkers.

  13. Thanks for all you kind words.

    It's done, there's no going back. I only hope I get my pay of soon!

  14. It ain't an ending but a new beginning! (Forgive the platitude, and the best of luck!)

  15. Good luck Jams, I know how scary it must be in some ways. I hope it turns out to be a golden opportunity for you instead.

    When I took retired at 63 it still wasn't easy after all those years working at a great job with great people. I continued to work casual for a while, a few times a month, till one day I went in and there was a brand new computer system and even the regulars were all at sea and couldn't help me. I said don't call me any more.

  16. Thanks jmb I hope it does!
