
21 October 2010

A New world order based on humanity and justice? Pah!

The more I see of Hugo Chavez and his international grandstanding, the more I loathe him. Now, according to a Washington Post report he and Ahmadinejad are united in efforts to establish a "new world order" that will eliminate Western dominance over global affairs.

Iran's state TV quoted Ahmadinejad as saying "Iran and Venezuela are united to establish a new world order based on humanity and justice,"

Much as I despise many of the actions Western nations have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate across the world, there is nothing that the vermin leading Iran have to offer to the world in terms of justice and humanity.

Clearly Chavez is far too blinkered in his hatred of the West to care that he cosies up with some of the most repressive scum around. Perhaps Venezuela would be better off without a fool like him.


  1. I lost all respect for Chavez when he cozied up to Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. There are enough Zimbabwean refugees in South Africa to make it abundantly clear that there's no humanity of justice there.

  2. Great minds and all that. Scheduled a short one for tomorrow on these two creeps. Have you notices his itinerary? Luminaries of human rights like Belorussia, Iran, Syria, Russia - no misses...

  3. Well, it would be better off but it's not likely to happen any time soon. Only the good die young.

  4. He's certianly cosying up to some fine exemplars of freedom and humanity Snoopy!

    I can't see it happen James but the man is a prick
