
17 November 2010

Aother bit of Peter Gabriel


  1. Whenever I see a link that says Peter Gabriel, I click but unfortunately something is going wrong somewhere, somehow and I cannot make it play for me. Will come back later.

    Regarding the term "poor mouth", I always think of Little Dorrit by Dickens. If I had the time I would re-read it to see if I can find the term in context.


    P.S. Any opinion on the upcoming royal wedding? :-)

  2. Peter Gabriel was a longtime favorite around our house and the most amazing thing was his devotion to world music and international humanitarian causes after he left Genesis. That turned out to be a very good move for him, if not the band.

  3. That's a shame Gina it's a good vid. I must re-read Little Dorrit. The Poor Mouth is a book title by my beloved Flann O Brien of course!

    To be honest I wish them wel but I will take no further ninterest in the upcoming Royal Wedding

    Genesis was nothing without Peter Gabriel.. I loathe that little prick Collins.

    When I was an Immigration Officer I landed Peter Gabriel. His occupation in his passport was "humanist"

  4. Didn't know the singer. It's the third, or fourth video you present this week. I like them all. Great music, and always meaningful lyrics.

  5. I'm glad yo like them Claude. His first five solo albums were great but I think he went off the boil in the latter 80s. Still he has a fine selection of music to love

  6. I used to be a massive fan of Peter Gabriel, but he lost his edge about 20 years ago. His second solo album is probably my favourite.

  7. His first four solo albums were superb... Then you are right he did lose his way rather

  8. It's cool you got to check him back in. Humanist sounds right.

    My first passport had my religion as 'pantheist'.

  9. Wonderful. I love it Susan!
