
22 November 2010

Nibbled by a Garra rufa

Today was my appointment at solesensation to have a try at a bit of ichtyotherapy for my psoriasis.

As I said last week, a number of places have opened up in Britain offering a fishy pedicure, courtesy of the Doctor fish (Garra rufa) but solesensation claims to have the only full body tank in the country.

After a shower I donned my swimming trunks and lowered myself into the tank. The fish clearly saw that my body was going to be a many-course banquet for them and they swarmed over me at once.

It is a rather curious sensation - ticklish with a bit of pins and needles thrown in for good measure but once you get used to it it, it becomes rather pleasant. That said it is rather odd to to look down and see dozens of minnow-sized fish tucking in to a fine fen of dead epidermis!

After a little while I began to relax and let the fish do their thing. The session was mean to last 45 minutes but I thin I must have been in the tank for a good hour, having lost all sense of time.

What I can say is that the fish had removed a quite a bit the dead skin leaving the rest of my skin feel a lot smoother than that it has for quite a while.

This is not a cure for psoriasis, merely a rather unusual but pleasant way to alleviate one of the symptoms and allow me to apply my topical cream more effectively (for a while at least).

I think I will be returning for another session soon.


  1. Thanks for the intrepid report, Jams! I'd heard of this treatment but hadn't read a first-person account. I imagine it's a curious sight more than sensation.

  2. The sensation was odd then pleasant but the sight of the fish swarming over my body was quite enthralling

  3. It's a great feeling though isn't it? I had a big smile on my face for the entire treatment

  4. That sounds really cool! Little living loofahs, the ultimate in exfoliation. Glad it was helpful.

  5. Once you get into it it feels great, I can see why you had a smile on your face Nursie

    That is quite right Knatolee but without the risk of causing bleeding as normal exfoliation can

  6. What happens if they're not hungry? Do you get your money back?

  7. I'm not sure they are every full Susan!

  8. From now on, I'm calling you Jams The Intrepid. Are you sure there wasn't a shark lurking around in the pool? Or a little flesh-eating fish? Seriously, I hope this treatment helps. As you say, hand exfoliation is more risky. You have to know when to stop.

  9. Only a! It really was pleasant Claude

  10. Glad the little nibblers made you feel better, Jams.

    I read sunshine increases the effect and therefore most nibble-pools are open-air.
    Yours was in-door, though, wasn't it?

  11. UV light does have a beneficial effect on psoriasis. The spas combine the fish therapy in the sun with sunbed therapy.

    An open air pool in East London on the cusp of winter would not quite be the same!

  12. Haha, I new that something like the second sentence would come.

    So do I understand correctly: At the same time the Garra rufa were busy you got a UV-therapy?
    Or afterwards?

    Sorry for asking you holes in your belly, but I find this interesting.

  13. At the spas in Turkey people spend time in the pool being nibbled then spend time in a sunbed. Getting rid of excess skin clears the way for the UV rays.

    It is effective. I had UV treatment at hospital and it cleared the psoriasis until I damaged my knee and it came back with a vengeance

  14. Ah, thanks for explaining, Jams.

    And as you mention it: How's your knee doing?
    Ah, no!! Seems I do have my investigative evening. :)

  15. My knee is much better after my last operation It rarely aches now which is a mercy!

  16. Good news!
    And now - at least for this evening - no more questions. :)

    The peace of the night.

  17. It was a huge relief Sean. Glad to be of service!

  18. Erm... just make sure they don't put a few piranhas there by mistake. Fish... I am always suspicious of fishes.

  19. Even in gefilte form mon ami?
