
11 November 2010


Remembering the Bomber Command dead at the Field of Remembrance


  1. Good choice. Bomber Command had the highest casualty rates of the Second World War; 80% were killed or seriously injured.

    People may not agree with all Bomber Command did, but those involved were among the bravest of the war.

    I'm glad they've got a permanent memorial now.

  2. My father was one of the minority to come through the war relatively unscathed. He was a pathfinder

    Far too many...

  3. I'm sure your father remembers his fallen companions with much sadness. After he returned, from WW2, my brother couldn't speak much about it, about his lost friends, about what had happened on the Normandy Beaches. He would just say, "War is hell..."

  4. He certainly does but he also remembers the good times when he fought hard and played hard. My dad would agree with your brother about what war is.
