
13 November 2010

What charming people

Some of the more cretinous comments on the Daily Mail report on Aung San Suu Kyi's release

It goes to show the generosity and understanding of the Junta. Well done to them!

I agree with Sophie. There is less to this woman than meets the eye. She left her husband - and more importantly her children - to become a "saint" in Burma. Much like Princess Diana revered for her looks rather than achievements. Another example of style over substance. Would we have been interested in her if she were fat and ugly rather than the seemingly delicate little oriental flower with blossoms in her hair that we see in the newspapers. A very hard nut indeed, I think.
More like the Face of NIVEA! She has spent the past 20 years holed up in her luxury mansion with 2 maids to cook and clean for her, playing the piano and reading autobiographies. Hardly courageous, sounds more like a holiday to me. Anybody in a privileged position can sit and whinge against the government but where is the democracy in Burma? If anything, she is putting the people's lives in more danger. As far as work is concerned what job has she actually done? I reserve my admiration for true heroines like Mother Theresa of Calcutta, wrinkled because of their hard physical work which got results.

Errr...she will come to the UK and make her home here and watch the X Factor?!? And claim benefits and complain about the weather!


  1. Are those people anonymous, hiding behind an email address? Why so venomous? It's nauseating...

  2. They are all pretty crass eh?

  3. Ignorance is only bliss for the ignorant.

  4. That is very true Susan

  5. Yeah. It takes all kinds...
