
06 December 2010

A broadcast by BIFFO to the people of Ireland

I've posted this before but in the light of the awful conditions attached to the Irish bail out it seems to have resonance 30 odd years after its initial broadcast.

Also to be repeated with British references by David Cameron (or perhaps his catspaw Nick Clegg) in 2011?


  1. The Irish always lose out in the deal, whatever and whenever the deal.

  2. It's going to be a high price for what was mainly the venality of the banks and the politicians.

  3. I had a whole ugly rant typed out here on this but I decided say, "**** it!" and will pray for the ordinary Irish folk who will bear the brunt of this. It's happening over here, too. Sigh. Lady Liberty is no longer Lady Bountiful and the idiots who perpetrated this won't suffer an iota of inconvenience.

  4. Ach Kay it's the rich who gets the pleasure and the poor wot gets the blame.. or at least the need to pick up the pieces
