
20 December 2010

Garden in the snow

The garden in snow. At the moment the only colour is in the yew and the holly (to the back at the left) and the yucca (in the right). Saying that there is colour is a bit pointless in a black and white photo I suppose...


  1. Well, the shades of black and white are very crisp and clear. It's lovely.

  2. Actually, the question is which feline if any will brave the snow.
    Has Satan cat been seen since the snow.

    A certain fashionable cat is no doubt sitting next to the TV and watching Stupid Human Tricks.

    In Vermont even though it is colder we did not get many huge coastal storms. I sometimes miss the frozen North. However, relocating up there again with my parents getting older and my very ethnic step daughter would be unfair. Believe it or not I would have to grocery shop in Montreal as neither Jewish, Indian nor West Indian cuisine is available.

    I do miss the drives in the Northeast Kingdom. The whole place has a surreal magical feel to it. Western Maine is even more amazing.

    Unfortunately, the wife has little interest in obscure river valley and forgotten Revolutionary war locales.

  3. It looks so beautiful. And cold.

  4. Thanks Susan, thanks Nursie. The north east of the US sounds beautiful... an aunt of mine did live in New Hampshire and Vermont for short times and she loved both. But going shopping in Monthreal!!! Now that is pushing it a bit eh?

  5. Jams

    Life without Knishes, Jelabi, Pepper Pot and odd ethnic restaurants that offer exotic fare such as Cuban and Moroccan fare is uncivilized.

    This is funny but every small town has a Pizza Joint and a Sandwich shop
    in Northern VT and the quality by NYC
    standards is dreadful.

  6. They certainly add a pleasant diversity to one's cuisine

  7. It looks perfect :-)
