
02 December 2010

A winter wonderland

With fresh snow on the ground and more falling, the temperature sub zero, considerable delays on the trains from Romford to Liverpool St station and the underground rather dodgy I am damned glad not to have to commute for the moment.

Or I would be if the bloody heating hadn't packed in... BAH!


  1. Whiskey and blankets (and a hefty stick to break the ice in the toilet).
    BTW, the word verification for this comment is 'foctunce'. There's a word that cries out for a definition!

  2. Sounds like a god solution.... at least until the repair man comes later today

    foctunce? now I must find a way to use that in conversation!

  3. The gods are having a foctunce at your expense, Jams. I can hear the plots and laughter in the background. You'll be susnesced any moment now. Be warned!

    PS: I always knew the word verifications have a serious, dangerous meaning.

  4. Go out and shovel snow - a great way to keep warm as long as you are properly dressed for it. Then you can reward yourself with a "special" coffee when you finish ;-)

  5. I was in VT for three long years and believe it or not the snowfalls ate larger in NYC than in VT because we get huge storms going up the coast.
    By the time these storms arrive in VT they are weakened.

    If you didn't have a vegan not wife
    it is the perfect time for a Turkey broth. A few scaps of turkey, egg noodles, two onions and some garlic powder are great in cold weather. I made some yesterday, but the Maltese mooched most of the turkey.

  6. How'd you like a fregadi with your foctunce?

    I'd like to do nothing better than to load up with supplies and not go outside again until this weather has gone. Unfortunately, I have to work the next four nights; moreover I have to drive 12 km. up hill and down dale to get to my patient :-(

    This too shall pass!

  7. Bah I wish the gods had foct off and had a laugh at someone else's expense Claude!!!

    Shovel snow? SHOVEL SNOW!!! Nah I just put down a load of salt and it clered Ruth!
    The soup sounds like an utter treat. Still a nice lentil soup hits the spot too,,,

    God Francis I hope you can drive safely in this weather. But it will pass mercifully

  8. If you could spare some of that snow. Rain will be good too...

  9. You can have the lot mon ami!

  10. Hopfully it is fixed by now?

  11. Mercifully repaired by the end of the day but a service is necessary
