
25 February 2011

Ghaddafi still has his friends...

More Libyan diplomats resign, a major airbase goes over to the rebels; Ghaddafi's minions still kill protestors and his son Saif has pledged that the family will die in Libya (probably sooner than he thinks).

It may be more than cold comfort that he still has friends across the world... well in and around the Caribbean anyway.

Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua has given his support; Fidel Castro spins the violence as a golden opportunity for US/NATO intervention.

And now, unsurprisingly Venezuela has gotten in on the action:

Earlier today Chavez tweeted the following message "Long live Libya and its independence! Ghaddafi faces a civil war!" Make of that what you will.

However, Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro addressed the Venezuelan National Assembly saying that while the country "repudiates the violence" in Libya, the conflict merits "objective" study (wtf????) . "Conditions are being created to justify an invasion of Libya, and the central objective of that invasion ... is to take away Libya's oil,"

Is Chavez showing his usual level of gross stupidity when it comes to foreign affairs? I freely admit that I loathe the man but it seems that he is up to his usual tricks.

It would be wrong to post photos of Castro, Ortega and Chavez cosying up to Ghaddafi without posting a few others, however...

(to damn them all with faint praise) none of the above are singing his praises now!

Here's to a day very soon when the graffiti seen here will be repeated across all of the country


  1. I know he won't do the right thing and escape with the treasury to a non-extradition country like dictators used to which tells me how evil and greedy her really is.

  2. The way it looks I would predict a Mussolini end rather than a retirement in a friendly country

  3. The leaders always cosy up to each other. We can make of that what we will...

  4. Yep, I read that rant by The Beard yesterday. Fidel Castro Ruz is not getting any cleverer as he is approaching his rest period...
