
29 March 2011

Yet another birthday

Ah, another birthday. This time it is my 48th (It is also Elle MacPerhson's 48th too but she has worn fa better than I have... I may have bigger boobs though!). But I do remain 20 years younger than erstwhile Prime Minister John Major.

I shall lift a glass with (although not in the same company as) Lucy Lawless, Marina Sirtis, Teofilio Stevenson, Eric Idle and Bud Cort.. Needless to say there is no prospect of sharing a birthday drink with Norman Tebbit


  1. Happy Birthday, Jams!
    I share mine with Woody Allen, Bette Midler, Richard Pryor and my aunt.

  2. Happy birthday!

    As for the boobs and any other extraneous adiposal deposits, I recommend a couple of hours per day of aerobic exercise. Even at our advanced age, a flabby arse need not be a permanent feature.

  3. Thank you!

    Francuis I intend to take steps.Better still I WILL take steps!

  4. "Francuis I intend to take steps.Better still I WILL take steps!"

    So you intend to go for an occasional walk.

  5. Happy birthday, Jams! I hope it's a good one. There's a mug of strong tea beside me that I'm raising in your general direction.

  6. More than occasional Francis. Needless to say I wont be running any marathns any time soon

    Thanks Stan. My cup is raised to yours!

  7. 48! It seems no more than a year ago that you were 47.

    Congrats and HB, Jams.

  8. Thanks James time flies doesn't it

  9. Anonymous10:53 pm

    Many happy returns Jams. How are you celebrating?

  10. It was a quiet day Nursie. I went shopping, bought a fountain pen and some scent

  11. You bought a fountain pen? You're giving up the computer?

    À ta santé, Jams!

  12. Ah most definitely not Claude!

  13. Happy Birthday, a day late, jams!

  14. But a mere year older than me. Hope you had a fantabulous birthday, Jams!

  15. Belated birthday greetings, jams! Remember the words of the possibly late and probably not great man whose name I cannot recall: You're only as old as the woman you feel.

  16. Thanks Liz... ans the not wife makes me feel younger than I look!
