
30 April 2011

Free Portrait Offer

As both regular readers will be aware I am working with my nephew to create a new portfolio. We have some fun ideas for shoots.

This of mutual benefit: It gives me experience of model direction and gives him practice at modelling.

However I want to gain more experience of portrait photography. To this end I am offering Bloggers in the London area (and those in Essex living close to Havering) a free photo shoot.

If you are interested, contact me at to discuss requirements (no naughty photos of course!). I will come to you, take the photos. I will then send you photos by email. You are free then to download, make prints etc.

The only condition is that any photos I consider to be of merit will appear on my photography website. They will not identify you by either real or blogger name.

Unlike my post about the First cosmonaut on 1 April this is not a hoax


  1. That's exciting, Jams! If I were there I'd definitely volunteer. Looking forward to the results.

  2. No funny caricatures now!

  3. Thanks SE. Here's hoping there is some take up!

    None planned James.. unless I am gifted an opportunity

  4. Anonymous12:39 am

    Contact David Cameron. He recently had to dispense with the services of a photographer after an outcry about the cost, so I'm sure he'd take up your offer, and I am looking forward to seeing him with that windblown sheet over his head and his armpit hairs glistening in the sun, And apparently Gordon Brown has still not had the ex-Prime Ministerial picture for the 10 Downing Street staircase taken (being in denial about being an ex, I suspect), and good luck trying to get an enigmatic smile out of him.

  5. I would run to London if I had the strength. That would be the first time, in my life, I would have the chance to see a decent photo of me, wrinkles and all. I hope people, in your area, take you up on this offer. You did so well with your nephew. Bonne chance, Jams.

  6. I'm sure I could offer Cameron a deal but I'm not sure I could make him look anything other than a dick!

    As for Brown, I would need a road drill to get a smile out of him!

    Thanks Claude, if I could take the photos I certainly would

  7. If I lived closer you would be welcome to try out your photo skills on me :-)

  8. I would be more than happy to oblige Cherie

  9. Perhaps I could time travel back to 1974 and then I'd still be in London.

  10. Sadly nI didn't have a camera then SE!

  11. Not even a tasteful nude? Aaaaah. :-)

  12. Well maybe a tasteful one!

  13. Wish I could fly over to take advantage of that!

  14. YOu would make an excellent subject Knat

  15. I certainly have no shame when it comes to posing for photos...

  16. Perhaps one day I will be in Canada ans we can do a shoot then!

  17. Have you had many takers, Jams? I hope so. Will you be posting the results here?

  18. I have one taker SE. I will be doing their session soon

  19. I would gladly take up your offer if I were in London. That would be fun.

    Happy Easter!

  20. It would be an utter pleasure to take your photo ECL

  21. I only consent to having my picture taken when I'm at least 50' away from the photographer working with a standard focal lens. It's a very nice offer though and I hope you get a good response.

  22. Ah but I am over 3000 miles away. Can I use a telephoto?


    I wrote a fantastic account of the day, producing howls of entertainment around the world. I heard USA Today purloined it and are offering me a job as top royal reporter!!

  24. I must go and see your reportage Gleds. I have couple of pics sort of relating to the day
