
10 May 2011

Has Syrian first lady fled to London?

She’s recently been feted in Vogue in a sickeningly sycophantic article but it may be the case that she is no longer safe in the country her vile husband rules through violence and murder.

There are rumours that Asma Assad may now be living in a safe house in or near London. British-born she has not been seen in public since the start of the Arab Spring.

As the violence in Syria increased, Mrs Assad is said to have been warned “to get out as soon as you can.”

Being British the obvious bolt hole is London – her parents still live in Acton in west London but there have been no signs of her father, Fawaz Akhras or her mother Sahar Otri at the family home

This could be a load of hooey but if she has left Syria then the UK is the obvious choice. As a citizen she has every right to return but it will surely be a huge embarrassment for the Government if she has.

Given her choice of husband and his brutal repression of protestors she is one citizen that this country would be well rid of: unless she has severed all contact with him and openly condemns his brutality.


  1. Does her British citizenship entitle the hubby to one too?

    You may yet see him in the dole queue yet...

  2. My brain wasn't working when I answered this.

    She could be suffering from battered woman syndrome and afraid to say a word. And not all abuse is physical. Trust me on this. It's a hard one to overcome. If my ex gets nasty with me, I still start shaking. And yeah, we try to hide it.

  3. It doesn't but I wold love to see him end up serving fries at MacDonalds

    Thet could be the case S.Kay. If so then that is another reason to be well away from him

  4. Well her parents are here and she was born and raised here Gled

  5. Let's face it, she'd vanish without a trace in Bayswater... probably has 525 relatives resident there already~!!

  6. Well if that is the case then it is the right move. I would respect her if she distanced herself from her husband's viciousness
