
05 July 2011

Ach Sod it!

Although I still intend to be Jams O'Donnell, virtually all of my regular readers know my real identity.

For those that don't I am Shaun Downey, 48, fat , currently not working but with some small talent with a camera... I Hope!

There I've said it, not that it was much of a secret.

Still I will still rather have Robert Calvert as an avatar rather than any self portrait!


  1. Anonymous10:20 pm

    Well the moody self-portrait I saw of you a while ago looked much more interesting than Robert Calvert (whoever the hell he is). I vote for you to show the real Shaun... You have nothing to lose but your dignity :)

  2. It's an honour to meet you, Shaun. Yes! I agree with Andrew. Time to put the real Shaun as the blog photo. Even if the latest one (on FB) is a bit somber.

  3. Ah Andrew, Claude I might just! As for dignity I lost that around the time I lost my virginity!

  4. bring on the real Shaun! I have too many aliases now and it just get confusing. Now people on Facebook are thinking I eat squirrels.. ;)

  5. Oh, go for it, Shaun! I just changed from Pagan Sphinx to Gina! It's a start...

  6. Oh, I just sent you a friend request on fb. There are hazards to giving out your real name, you know! ;-)

  7. I'd like to see you as your avatar, too.
    I've been toying with the idea of 'coming out' as well.

  8. The problem is that you have an established Internet identity as Jams O'Donnell that you lose as Shaun.

    Duncan Black has been 'out' for years, but almost no one recognizes him as anything but Atrios.

  9. Brian O'Nolan was also Flan O'Brian and Myles na gCopaleen. He was even, on some occasions, his own Brother.

    Of course, he was a bit of a genius - but you're not bad yourself. You can be jams and Shaun too! :-)

  10. Francis I am not fit to lick the boots of Mr O Nolan!

    Ah Knatolee I may put up my real pic for a while but Robert Calvert fits well! That or I just love the photo!

    Thanks Gina. I have sent a request back!

    You will SE. I will put my real pic up for a little while... sort of as a guest avatar!

    You have a good point there Bryan. After 5 years as Jams who will know Shaun!

  11. Now that you are out of the closet, you may want to explain your predilection to Nikon products as well ;-)

    Nah, just pulling your leg...
