
09 July 2011

tabloid hack in train wreck moment

Paul McMullen was deputy features editor at the News of the World. He was the subject of an expose by Hugh Grant of all people in the New Statesman,

Lat night he appeared on BBC2's Newsnight where he was faced by Greg Dyke, former BBC Director-General and comedian Steve Coogan.

McMullen came across as a pathetic sleazebag - Lunchtime O' Booze made flesh -, and took a hammering off Coogan and Dyke for his pains.

I can only conclude that  McMullen is a glutton for punishment.


  1. He really was a stereotype of a sleazy hack wasn't he?
    Thought he could be a conman/actor 'doing a Borat' but anybody creating a comic tabloid creep would probably tone it down a bit. Besides which I recall him beingon the 10 O'Clock Show earlier in the year.
    Thoroughly despicable.

  2. He got *almost* everything he deserved. Too bad drawing and quartering is no longer in vogue.

  3. I remember when Piers Morgan was editor of News of the Screws. He came on Have I Got News For You and used the "watch what you say to me or I'll ruin your life" line once too often. He was truly pathetic.

    I understand Rebecca Wade/Brooks got out of appearing in front of some public enquiry because the MPs were just too scared of her. And one MP who did challenge her got outed as gay a few months later...

    I think we're well rid of the News of the World. Their scandal-mongering I could handle. Scandal is what I bought the paper for. It was the moralizing they and the Sun get up to that really sticks in my craw...

  4. You're right Skuds nobody would make up a vile creep like McMullen.. He just wouldn't be believable!

    Haha Kay!

    Piers Morgan was a nasty piece to Gleds as are most of his ilk.

    The moralising was sickening

  5. One can't really expect a pathetic sleazebag to behave like Sir Galahad or summat. A man must do what...

  6. That's so true Snoopy!
