
10 August 2011

A true Ambassador for Romford...

Romford may now hold the dubious distinction of being the home to the youngest person to appear in court in connection with the riots.

An eleven year old youth appeared at Highbury Corner Youth Court, where he admitted being part of a gang that attacked the Romford branch of Debenhams on Monday night.

According to the Telegraph the youth apeared in court wearing an Adidas tracksuit. He spoke only  to confirm his name, age and date of birth.

He pleaded guilty to burglary, after stealing a waste bin worth £50 from Debenhams. A charge of violent disorder was dropped.During the brief hearing the court heard the boy has already been given a referral order after being convicted of a separate offence just last week. No details of the conviction were given.

Prosecutor Steven Davis told the court: "This was 10.30pm on Monday evening with a background of serious violence in Romford. "Police saw a group of 20-30 youths who were approaching large stores, breaking windows and looting. They saw Debenhams had had its windows broken and they saw [the boy] approach the window that had been smashed, lean in, take a waste bin and run off with it."

He said when police stopped the boy, he said: "I was just taking it to pass on to somebody else."

Mr Davis said the bin was worth £50. The damage to the windows was £6,000 but it is not alleged the boy broke them.

Defending the 11 year-old, Vicky Thompson said he was given a referral order after being convicted last Wednesday, but it had not even begun yet.

The youth was supported in court by his ten year old girlfriend, their three year old twin sons and his nineteen year old mother....


  1. Anonymous8:21 pm

    A decent waste bin is a basic human right isn't it? I'd recommend he takes it all the way to the European Court of Human Rights. He'll probably win (especially as "just taking it to pass on to somebody else"... what a heart of gold).

  2. And damned well right Andrew! the poor lad was clearly planning to distribute alms to the binless!

  3. I suppose I'd be wasting my breath to ask where the hell his parents are?

  4. Anonymous9:26 am

    "The youth was supported in court by his ten year old girlfriend, their three year old twin sons and his nineteen year old mother...."


  5. That bit as just my little joke Nursie!

  6. Yes, Ms Nurse, I nearly choked on my sandwich when I read that bit.

  7. Has the provenance of that Adidas tracksuit been checked?

  8. That was me being silly Scarlet!

    Now there's a point Snoopy!

  9. A promising talent, by all means. The young father has all what it takes once to become a leader with Common Purpose.

  10. I had to read that last bit a few times, Jams. Ha ha.

  11. I am sure he has a bright future Sean.

    I couldn't resist it SE!
