
07 September 2011


© 2011 Shaun P Downey


  1. Your portraits are really a delight to see.

  2. A most appropriate title.

  3. Anonymous12:36 pm

    Bella indeed

  4. She is beautiful, a really nice person and a delight to work with

  5. Don QuiScottie8:16 pm

    Dulcinea has decreed that I shall view these images no more for I seem more entranced by them than I should be. In response I declared, "but my dearest sweet lady, I am merely staring so intently and so long just to discern and quantify with great care just precisely how much more beautiful you are than this pretty but still deficient lass." I am sure Lady Dulcinea's carelessly swinging leg was not meant to hit me where it did, but by unfortunate coincidence it has rendered further offspring from our blessed union impossible. A sad day, though we can still try, I suppose, once the swelling has decreased.

  6. Ah Don QuiScottie your ardour has been well and truly stopped with extreme prejudice.

    Tell you what. Take a sneaky peek when Sweet Dulcinea has gone to bed!

  7. Don QuiScottie8:57 pm

    A sneaky peek Shaunso? At what? My swelling? Oh... or at the Bella do you mean? But that may be painful since my swelling... Oh Shaunso, I shall not explain... but a rough squire such as you will understand.

  8. At Bella, not your swelling dear master! I fully understand the wrath of a jealous mistress. I suggest discretion when gazing at la Bruja's beauteous countenance!
