
11 September 2011


Robert Peraza remembers his son who was murdered on 9/11.

Photo copyright Justin Lane/EPA


  1. Yes, I'm sure all our thoughts are with those across the pond today.

  2. It is a superb and moving photo Eileen

    Absolutely Welshcakes

  3. What a heart wrenching photo...

  4. It is possibly the most moving photo I have seen in relation to 9/11 Sandy

  5. Jams

    The tributes are nice, but I will leave you with this for better or

    I am an ordinary man who had a front row seat on the day the world changed. It was not the first time I had been through this at the WTC.

    The story of 9-11 starts with man and his potential for good and evil. A band of twisted religiously
    inspired loons attacked my city and smacked fuel ladden jets into office buildings in a twisted publicity stunt for their faith.

    Faith like men is subject to our weakness. I can point to many religious people of all faith who serve their communities by helping the poor and the lost.

    The problem is when man thinks utopia is at hand he can do some really terrible things. The lesson
    most of us should learn is the ends
    don't justify the means. Secular types have been proven again and again to be just as dangerous as zealots when they believe utopia is around the corner.

  6. On that day we saw the paradox of man all in the same place at the same time. We had the worst of our nature in the same field as our noblest aspects. I will never forget the foreboding haunting look of the firefighters speeding to join history knowing that many would not return. To me that is the more haunting and poignant message of the day.

    My story is not unique as I raced
    away the Jewish song of death came naturally to me out of nowhere as I joined others in an unscheduled marathon. The song is about the inevitability of messianism even if it is not today. In reality, I was neither brave nor cowardly just ordinary. I was never in any real danger, but we didn't know that then.

  7. I will leave you with the parting wisdom. Most of us sat around wondering who we knew that was gone. At the time 30,000 were believed dead and 3000 is no walk in the beach either.

    I had to leave my girlfriend in NYC to take care of the nieces and nephew. So off I went to NJ to watch my sisters home. Probably avoiding the stench of death and burning evil I can never forget saved my life. If you inhaled it you would never forget it.

    I walked home from the train station and passed the procession for Father Michael Judge. He was the gay priest who lost his life administering rights on that day. A brave man as brave as every other
    hero, just with another calling card.

    I met my beloved and in nearby Union Square Park what awaited me was worse than 9-11. The far left
    held a hate rally and on that spot
    with the buildings still burning in the distance and amidst the smell of burning evil political opportunists started the mostly anti Semitic conspiracy theories.
    The Zionist Mossad CIA were the usual suspects of familiar Tutherism that we have sadly become familiar with.

    My girlfriend was a very perceptive
    woman who read me like a book. I told her I had some things to attend to and would meet her upstairs. She didn't like the look
    in my eyes and touched my cheek and said I am not going home without you. I knew I had lost as for whatever reason the notion of a brawl in front of a loved one is
    more abhorrent than the worst of my anger. I went home as real men
    know their duty to their loved ones always comes before things that really do not matter.

    I do not blame the whole left for
    what I heard that day. There are plenty of decent folks like yourself who are like me and understand that the ends do not justify the means.

    I find myself amazed at the horrible things truthers say. There
    were no Jews there and the zionists
    told Jews to stay home. I remember telling one I missed the memo. They
    said I was just an acceptable loss.
    A look at the memorial shows a cross section of my city died and no community was untouched.

    Just remember if you pass a truther
    they really are not just asking questions. They are insulting the memories of many brave men and women including brave first responders. Over the years, I stopped being angry and learned that laughing at Truthers is better
    than fighting with them. If you fight with them it plays into the persecuted paranoia that sustains the hate.

    9-11 is a reflection of man's potential for both good, ordinary and not so good.

  8. Parting wisdom from a fool... what's THAT worth?
