
10 October 2011

A stack of not so guilty musical pleasures!


  1. Don QuiScottie11:52 pm

    "i=on" Jams? Over at Lady Kantolee's place you did leave such a damn typo. "i=ons" forsooth!

    I'll track you down wherever you typo, and smite! (even as I wander towards the threatened Muir of Ord).

  2. Don QuiScottie11:55 pm

    Ahhhhhhhh.... "Kantolee"? Yuk yuk ye have infected me again! Knatolee, Knatolee, Knatolee... I smite myself. You are dangerously contagious Mr Damns O'Donnell

  3. I am not safe anywhere am I. But i does me good to see that you are not perfect yourself!

  4. Anonymous11:57 pm

    Bloody hell he's back. I vote for Jams to block the Don, or get him psychiatric help for God's sake. Nobody knows more than me that he needs it.

  5. Don QuiScottie12:01 am

    "i does me good"....."i does me good"! It man, the word is IT!

    I do believe foul sir that you are tormenting me on purpose and with deliberate deliberation and purposeful purpose. I shall return to Romford and be done with y... Oh... you have Ted. Well then... I'll hesitate, and just smite ye via the electronic electron medium from afar.

  6. Andrew he is harmless. I think the Don is a fine, if slightly unhinged, gentleman.

  7. Ah Deer Don, I fend yopr crusad against the ddreded typo quitr cgarming. DO npt stop on my acccont. I wil takr teh consrquences@

  8. Dulcinea12:43 am

    News reaches me that my Don has swooned and lost consciousness, smitten by a swirling swarm of his enemies. Oh dear. What a pity. Never mind... I'm sure he'll be mounted again soon. Mounted on Rocinante I mean, thank goodness.

  9. I am very sorry Dulcinea. It was a rotten thing to do to such a fine man, I am sure he will be up and mounted soon!

  10. Don QuiScottie11:52 pm

    Dear Dulssinner, Damns O'Donal is the Duvil Incarrotcake. But, jest as eh surmunted de windmull, and wun, tho painfilly, so will beat his tipos bye absurbin them all, yes absurbin then unto ma very own bean, eh.. being, and thus way seving the wurald frum ther horrurs. Und will absorb tha smilleys tooo, see: :))))))))) :(((((((( Ma enamies are thus, becumin trepped withun mea and defutted. Utturla defutted I say! Ah. Feel better. I am, my Dear Dulcinea, Triumphant agan, I mean again! Muir of Ord is verifiably fine too (though dourly dull), and now, I am on my way to your bedchamber, once more, your Daring Dashing Doting Don. Rejoice!

  11. Anonymous11:54 pm


  12. My dear Don I do believe that you have invented LOLknight, Use it wisely to woo yourself into the dear Dulcinea's bed!

  13. Ah Andrew he is back and he is BAAAAD!

  14. Dulcinea12:05 am

    Like Andrew, I sigh...

    Perhaps even WITH Andrew, I sigh... ;)

  15. Perhaps his wooing will melt your heart dear Dulcinea!

  16. Dulcinea2:07 am

    Already done Master Jams.

    Tis just as well that Andrew and my Noble Don are never seen in the same place at the same time. Tis a strange thing that though, and in some ways they seem quite similar.

  17. It is strange indeed. Perhaps their business schedules prevent them from meeting
