
11 November 2011

Another look at the last Sweet Pea in bloom


  1. Plant Pornography is sweeping the web.

    Have you seen the Pear cactus craze.
    I have been growing a batch in Staten Island and some loons were growing it big time in Guyana. Apparently the fruit is edible but I never got around to eating it. Supposedly it is the latest health fad.

    The plant is apparently indestructible if it can be grown outdoors in NYC, Guyana and not to mention arid regions. With global warming it might even grow in the Antarctic.

  2. The best porn to sweep the web!

    Not come across the pear cactus, If you cold grow it in NY then I'm sure we could grow it here,, Wait Opuntias. Now I know what you mean. We have grown them but never for long. THey can grow quite nicely here

  3. It is really pretty.
