
15 January 2012

Celena and the wildflowers

© Shaun P Downey 2011

Some reworked photos from a shoot in July


  1. I especially love her expression in the second photo.

  2. Anonymous8:17 am

    Her skin looks milky

  3. Ah she has the beautiful skin of a Mestizo - Spanish/Indian - as are most Colombians

  4. Anonymous7:41 pm

    Not only "among". but Celena IS a wild flower, I reckon. And much better to look at than any "supermodel" I have ever cast a glance over (an unreciprocated glance, I admit). She's got a photographer. Now she needs an agent.

  5. AH she is exceedingly beautiful Andrew. For a lot of modelling she is far too short.Still I think she has a career

  6. Anonymous11:03 pm

    Too short if a six foot stick insect is required, but alas that is what the nutters who decide these things seem to think is required. The world is crazy, as I believe is now well accepted. I mean, consider male modelling too, now what is needed there is a somewhat overfed and well over six foot tall balding man in his mid fifties, clearly, but do I get any calls? Me and Celena. We share the same problems :)

  7. True,the criteria are mad! I bet you would be a superstar of the catwalk!
