
20 January 2012

Iranian actress Golshifteh Farahani has appeared as one of a number of participants  in a film called Corps et Ames.

Like Aliaa El Mahdy did last year,  Gofishteh is making a powerful statement about cultural policies in Iran and particularly the status of women in that country.

The Iranian regime has had a hissy fit and she has basically been told not to return to the country.

Like Aliaa El Mahdy I salute Golshifteh's action. It is her body, her right and her choice.


  1. I add:
    ... and does not need anyone's approval to live her life.

  2. You really do have to have misgivings about a government whose insecurity covers half its population.

  3. Agreed Sean!

    Does it show? I was trying to be a bit guarded Susan!

  4. She is brave and she is right. It's sad and shameful that there should be so much resistance to such a simple principle.

  5. Alhumdollila Islam is complete religion which teaches complete code of living.
    Just tell me one thing that whats difference between human and animals if they both start remaining uncloth?

  6. Hmm None perhaps you could start with the brain

  7. Now, what I suggest for all these unruly US UAVs to do is to ship and disperse over Iran loads of this picture. Cause the Ayatollahs a terminal indigestion...

  8. If she calls herself muslim than she must follow the rules of islam, and the act which she did, does not meet with the morality of Islam. she should have not do as she did. or she should give up calling her self Muslim.

  9. If she calls herself muslim than she must follow the rules of islam, and the act which she did, does not meet with the morality of Islam. she should have not do as she did. or she should give up calling her self Muslim.

  10. i like picture hehehhe :)
