
17 February 2012

THe Guardian reports that secret documents detailing the use by Prince Charles of his little-known power of veto over government bills must be released, the information commissioner has ruled.
A  Whitehall convention means that the Prince of Wales must be consulted on any government bill that might affect his own interests, in particular, the Duchy of Cornwall, a private £700m property empire that last year provided him with an £18m income.
The arrangement has been described as akin to a royal "nuclear deterrent" over government legislation. There is no evidence that the prince has ever exercised the veto but since 2005 the government has sought Charles' consent on at least a dozen government bills, ranging from road safety to gambling and the Olympic games.

The government had argued that disclosure of the documents on the marine and coastal access bill to an academic who requested them under environmental information regulations, "would adversely affect the Prince of Wales by invading his privacy". It could also "undermine the way in which he and his representatives correspond with ministers by impinging on the constitutional convention that the Prince of Wales is able to correspond with government ministers in confidence", the information commissioner's ruling states.

And so on and so forth. The very idea that  the useless shitstain has even a theoretical right of veto over government legislation is an utter disgrace. Definitely something that should be knocked on the head immediately


  1. Totally agree with you, jams.

  2. After all, his blood is blue. So, let's shut up before ACTA will teach us.

  3. The American government has to vet plans with Goldman Sachs et al. Plus ca change.

  4. Hey, you could have Mitt Romney, or even Rick Santorum, in an executive position! How would you like one of those two to have veto power?

    Unlike many Americans, especially women, I have never been a fan of British royalty. But having to support them to the tune of £100's is truly burdensome. And veto power? That's just too much.

  5. £700m property - all this to one old Vulkan? What do the Shoggoths in the government say about this?

    Wait, don't tell me, I think I know...

  6. Ach why anyone kowtows to that wanker beats me Snoopy, even if they are all or mainly shoggoths
