
20 February 2012

Sonic Youth meets Hal Hartley

A gratuitous dance scene to the music of Sonic Youth's Kool Thing from the Hal Harley film Simple Men


  1. Damn, I wish my phone would let me view this! I like Hal Hartley's films, though I can't remember if I've seen this one or not. (My poor old memory is shocking these days.)
    And that's one of my favourite Sonic Youth songs!

    'Are you gonna liberate us girls from male, white, corporate oppression?'

    Seems my memory is not yet completely useless! :)

  2. Anonymous9:08 pm

    After watching Simple Men I went out the next day and had my hair cut like Elina's. loved that film.

  3. It's a great song and a gratuitous but enjoyable sequence Syncy!

    Ah I bet you looked great with the style Nursie

  4. I like Sonic Youth and I love Hal Hartley. Thank, Jams! One of these days I'll have to watch his films again; there's none quite like them.

  5. There is something about his films, That's for sure

  6. Finally just watched the clip and yes, I have seen that film and I used to have hair similar to Elina's too.

  7. Looks like a popular style!
