
02 April 2012

Now We are Six

Here starts Year Six of the Poor Mouth having lasted about five years and 10 months more than I expected when I put up my first post back in April 2006 when the world was younger and digital watches and Tony Blair was still Prime Minister

I am grateful to everyone who continues to visit, everyone who has linked to the Poor Mouth and to everyone who has left comments over the years. Without you the Poor Mouth is nothing.

I will probably post a bit more sporadically this year but fear not it is more than likely that I will be putting up my seventh blogoversary post this time next year.


  1. Bravo! And thank you. You're a joy, and much fun, to visit!

  2. Congrats to one of my fav bloggers. Keep on keeping on!

  3. Well done! You have staying power! :)

  4. Congratulations :-)

    Your blog is a joy to read, one of may favourite places to visit.

  5. Hm, strange, I was sure I had ...

    Anyway, with 22 days delay: Congratulations, Jams. You are certainly a special part of Omnium.
