
30 May 2012

Get more visitors (from DHS) to your blog.....

A few days ago a list of Department of Homeland Security watchwords was released following an Freedom of Information request by the Electronic Privacy Information Center. The list contains a number of strange entries,including pork, stranded and smart. Here is the full list

Make of this list what you will, but if your visitor numbers are flagging, like mine are, then perhaps a sprinkling of the above phrases into innocuous posts will ring a few alarms and have the DHS visiting your blog. The more watch words, the more visits... well that's the theory!

If this list is correct, though I dread to think how many millions of false positives they throw up,,,


  1. Now, let's see how many of those we can incorporate in one post ...

  2. Good lord. PORK??! I think we should have a competition on Liz's suggestion!

  3. Haha Welshcakes.It must be worth a go!

  4. I think everybody should plan on using at least a few of them every day. We could have fun messing with their algorithms.

  5. They spelled LIGHTNING wrong!

  6. PA: I have some listeria powder in my conficker!

  7. Don, some words should never be uttered!

    Haha Susan. I would love to see if I cold do a post with all the words in it!

    Tsk tsk Knat, Some mounties are on their way to have a gentle word with you!

  8. Don QuiScottie8:56 pm

    Dear Department of Homeland Security. Ted is sitting atop a Windmill planning Assassination using an Improvised Explosive Device and with Terrorism in his heart. You will find him living at Jams' place (but I suggest you leave him alone, for only I could handle this one. Well, I couldn't, but I'd do better than you lot). But he's a pussycat really.

  9. Body of a pussycat, heart and ruthlesness of a tyrant!

  10. Of course by now you know that jpeg format doesn't do it for HS. Need to convert it to text...

  11. Ah but they will be incorporated into posts!
