
03 June 2012

The Mould Mesiah of Houston

I'm a  little late with this news but better late than never.  Huffington Post reports that Houston resident, Chyenna Richards, has had  a visitation from Our Lord... in the form of mould on her bathroom wall.

"People say your house is blessed," she said. "I see the head, the hair, a cloak... Maybe it means something. Maybe look into yourself and see if you need to change something in your life," she said.

Hmm there you have it.... Perhaps it's a case of  blessed are those who are lax in their housework for the Lord will be with them...

Still it's another fine simulacrum!


  1. Hm... you too? Some synchronicity at work there.

  2. This is truly an insult to the Lord! The message is, "Buy Javex and clean your house, lady!"

  3. AndrAlien12:16 am

    Finally, I believe...



    That there is no limit to human idiocy

    (Not you Jams, You're OK, for a human)

  4. And wipe out our lord, CLaude... You heretic!

    Well I am glad to hear it. ps can you go easy on the probing?

  5. It's not very nice of that woman to be poking Jesus in the face like that!

  6. AndrAlien1:05 am

    The probing? Oh hush Jams, you know you love it really. See you soon Big Boy ;) X

  7. It's heresy, Syncy!

    Damn AndrAlein you have me rumbled!
