
21 July 2012

Blody Hell (in relation to sports again - this tme cycling))

The first tour de France took place in 1904 but it wasn't until 1958, when Brian Robinson won a stage, that a Briton made even the slightest impression in the event. It wasn't until 1962 that a Briton this time Tommy Simpson, held the yellow jersey for any period. It took until 1984 for a Briton, Robert Millar,  to be croned King of the Mountains. It wasn't until last year that a Briton, Mark Cavendish took the prestigious green jersey.

But now Bradley Wiggins will lead off the final with a comfortable lead... over another briton Chris Froome....

Given that the final stage is usually a processional rather than a competitive stage, Wiggins will, barring injury or disaster, be crowned as the winner of the 99th Tour tomorrow. Despite the scandals that have rocked the Tour in recent years to win this, one of the toughest sporting competitions in any event, is a triumph.

People, especially on the comment sections of l'equipe, have knocked the tour for being boring and are convinced that had top riders like Contador or Andy Schleck competed it would have been a different story. Well Schelck was injured and Contador is currently banned for drug use so Wiggins could only compete against those who could and did compete. People have moaned about the robotic riding of Wiggins's team, Sky, but domestiques are there to support the lead rider. Don't forget that Wiggins  had already won several top races this year so he was o top form.

Over the last 15 years cycling has come fro the margins of British sport towards centre stage, particularly track cycling. Here's hoping that it stays there.


  1. Anyone who can even finish that race deserves congratulating. I'm happy for the British winner.

  2. Absolutely. From the Yellow Jersey to the Lanterne Rouge they have achieved something excellent.... some many times over

  3. Let's push Francis to participate.

  4. Get the Elders to sponsor him and he is a shoo in for the yellow jersey!
