
22 July 2012

You wait 99 Tours for a podium place and then two turn up at once!

Well that's the 99th Tour de France over, a Tour that has seen far more interest in the UK than any of the preceding 98. And that's because Bradley Wiggins has just become the first ever British winner. If that's not enough good news, fellow Britin Chris Froome shares the podium as runner up (or should that be cyclist up?). Congratulations also to Italian Vincenzo Nibali for achieving third place. It looks as if Froome cold follow Wiggins to the Yellow jersey. I hope so

Congratulations to Mark Cavendish for winning crossing the line first on le Champs Elysees for a record fourth time.
Congratulations to Slovak Peter Sagan for winning the Green Jersey on his first Tour. I daresay we will be seeing rather more of him over the coming years (if you follow cycling that is).

Congratulations to Thomas Voeckler from France for winning the polka dot jersey as King of the Mountains

Congratulations to American Tejay van Garderen for winning the white jersey for young riders. He is another rider with a bright future ahead of him.

Congratulations to Chris Anker Sorensen for being the most combative rider

Congratulations especially to Jimmy Engoulvent for winning the prized Lanterne Rouge for the rider who complete the tour in last place.

Congratulations to each and every rider who finished the tour.

Wiggins won well aided to a massive extent by a superb Sky team. Froome Cavendish and the whole team can bask in the glory knowing that it was their hard work that assured victory.  People have moaned how dull this race has been. Perhaps those moaners prefer their riders to be doped up to the gills like Alberto Contador or Floyd Landis et al. Screw them.


  1. I'm always amazed that anyone manages to finish this brutal race!!!

  2. I think it is brilliant news. Well done to them both.

  3. Anyone who can finish that race is someone to be praised indeed, Kay!

    It's excellent news isn't it Cherie!

  4. Wiggo done good, and all power to him. But you do realise what this means now, don't you? Big sideburns will soon become de rigueur in the cycling community, and that's just the girls! I'm really not sure how I'm going to cope.

  5. Bravo indeed, Claude!

    Oh my god the rise of the sideburns starts here! You had better start growing yours Francis or it will be the bus for you!

  6. I shall organise a Critical Mass ride of sideburn dissenters, with each and every participant armed with a cordless electric shaver.

  7. You will be like Canute and the tides. In days the sideburns will be lapping over your feet; in weeks you will drown in cyclist hair!

  8. Pah as I said on your site, I bet you'll soon have a pair of sideburns that Gladstone would be proud of!

  9. Doing the happy dance for your countrymen! You have to be a mighty athlete to do this stuff. It is indeed brutal...

  10. Haha TB. It truly is not a race for those of faint heart or faint legs!

  11. Wiggins & Co. certainly had the best yoghourt in the fridge, this year.
    What I enjoyed to see: Froome demonstrating his yoghourt was even better.
    What a lousy team that would not let win him whose yoghurt is superior.

  12. Ah I don't think Froome would have eaten Wiggins overall. but here's to Froome another time wth the best yoghurt (with no artificial preservatives etc

  13. Congratulations to the whole team indeed. Great job.
