
12 August 2012

Got a call at 4pm from my dad. The Hospital called to say my uncle was going downhill.  As t happened I was just about to go in and visit him. I'm glad I did as he looks terribly jaundiced he could barely speak and his breathing was laboured.

I went out quickly to take my parents to see him. just in case and arranged for a priest to visit him to give hi last rites.

We stayed with him about an hour but it won't be long before he dies. Days rather than weeks. At least he will not be lingering in pain for months


  1. I hope your uncle has a quick release

  2. My thoughts are with you and your family. I hope his passing is gentle.

  3. You're all in my heart and prayers.

  4. Thinking of you all. May his passing be quick and gentle.

  5. Always a difficult thing to go through. My thoughts are with you.

  6. Thanks everyone. He is on the Liverpool Care Pathway. He is comfortable, or as comfortable as can be.
