
08 August 2012

Spider and web


  1. Anonymous2:56 pm

    Few things in this world are more horrific than the way that spiders make a living. They are only doing what they have to do, but thank goodness they are not bigger and smarter than us. Although... come to think of it, factory farming and much experimentation by humans on other animals is more horrific. Oh dear... why can't I just appreciate a nice photo and move on? Nice photo Jams.

  2. I am in serious awe!!!! This is magnificent!!!!

  3. Haha They are what they are. Luckily humankind will be long gone defore the rise of the sentient arachnid.

    I wish I could spot a crab spider this year.

    Nature, Kay thanks!

  4. It's a beautiful picture. Now I plan to not imagine what beings from outer space may look like.

  5. Andrew, I have a suspicion that spiders are smarter than us. But so far all the ones I have seen are smaller...

  6. Thanks Susan. I wonder that too!

    It i just as well they are all smaller eh Cherie?

  7. My thoughts exactly. House spiders already have the ability to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end!

  8. Ah but they are harmless!

  9. Yes I know house spiders are... It is a silly phobia of mine.

    Other spiders though are not quite so harmless.

  10. Arachnonymous11:05 pm


    Try telling that to the creatures that get captured in their webs.

    Or I could tell you about the ones that bite a little hole in the skin and lay eggs inside you as you sleep, for the angry swollen sore to burst in a warm bath while a horde of little spiders emerge, as reported to me by a victim... or the deadly poisonous ones that occasionally travel to our supermarkets in exotic fruits and vegetables, or the ones out there, far out there, that are right now preparing for their invasion of Earth...

  11. Anonymous11:08 pm

    "Luckily humankind will be long gone defore the rise of the sentient arachnid."

    Or perhaps we may go BECAUSE OF the rise of the sentient arachnid.

  12. Hmm... I have been bitten by small spiders as I have been sleeping. Luckily the non egg laying variety. No harm done...

    I am not sure about the arachnids taking over, but I do have a feeling insect might...

  13. I am so fascinated by spider webs. Very cool, Shaun.

  14. Don QuiScottie12:41 am

    Suck the little varmits up with your vacuum cleaner while crying out, "Ha! How do you like being ambushed then!".

    However... I happen to know that Andrew actually ensures he always has at least a couple of big spiders in residence in his conservatory in order to catch the flies that so annoy him. The hypocrite is in cahoots with the creatures whose habits he claims do horrify him.

  15. Well true Cherie even a few ritish spiders have a nasty nip if not fatal

    What a web of intrigue a sentient arachnid would wave Andrew! and fear those space spiders Arachonymous!

    Insects will out survive the human race Cherie no doubt!

    THanks Syncy!

    Ah so Andrew's secret is out then Don!
