
17 September 2012

Environmentalist marries earthworms

The Telegraph reports that Taiwanese activists have married 70 "lucky earthworms" in an elaborate wedding ritual in a bid to raise awareness about the environment and the problem of soil erosion.

The worms arrived Sunday at Takang Park in Tainan city inside a traditional wedding sedan draped in red cloth to "tie the knot with the soil of the park", Takang Community Development Association said.

"The ceremony was implemented exactly according to traditional Taiwanese customs," said Huang Sen-nan, the leader of the volunteer group."We want to raise public awareness about the need to protect the land where we live."
Soil erosion - which can contribute to landslides during typhoons - is one of Taiwan's main environmental problems. The presence of worms can help the prevention of soil erosion by improving soil structure and drainage.

Well errr.....


  1. A strange way to publicise a campagne!

  2. Slugs and worms make me cringe. Give me spiders any day.

  3. I quite like worms myself

  4. Well, I know they're desirable to have in one's garden but they still give me the irrational creeps!
